Room32/Forest Road

29.1.2024 : ROOM THIRTY-TWO : Forest Road

An old flat cobblestone road, mostly overgrown with moss, ivy and long tufty grass, young trees indicating no traffic such as horse-drawn wagons has been through here for some time. Yet a definitive footpath wide enough for perhaps hand-carts or horses. Somebody is using the path, this much is certain. 

The route runs North to South through the forest, what used to be close to the forests edge until it expanded toward the open plains.  

Sounds of forest include the wind rustling in the trees is soothing. Birds calling out, insects chirruping, nature is busy and not having rained recently is dry. 

If you are traveling NORTH turn to 33 

If you are traveling SOUTH turn to 34 

Do you wish to sit and wait turn to 35 

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